Friday, 25 September 2009

Maybe this is my destiny

I am so tired of being so strong....I wana give up, I wana cry, I want to tell someone how much I am hurting but I cant....I need to keep on being strong for others....maybe that is my destiny...maybe that is what I am good for...maybe thats what I am suppose to do.

But what do I do about this feeling...I am sinking and for once in my life I want someone to hold my hand and just listen to me...But it wont happen...not today...not tomorrow...not ever...Walls I have built around me are so high now...I must carry on the way I have always been...maybe this is my destiny...maybe this is the way I need to carry on.

Poverty is the Biggest Crime

Poverty is the Biggest you can ever commit!!! FACT

Thursday, 24 September 2009

I need to be in peace with myself first

I was lost....I cried once again till I couldnt breath...I walked for days like my life was over...But it isnt is it? It was never my dream....Then why I dared to dream about it...Why would I be sad for something that was never ever mine at the first place..It was a dream a fairy tale that never lasted..But thats what it is all about fairytales only last in dreamland....Reality is different and I guess my reality is more different than anyone elses...

So what do I do about it?

Do I keep on crying and ruin my life? Or Do I get up once again as before and start all over again?

I chose the latter you may ask why....because I am used to getting up and starting all over again over and over in my life so why change the habit eh...secondly Why should I let actions of others define what I can and will do with my life...Its painful...I must admit...Even though it wasnt my dream I started dreaming about it..maybe that was my pitfall...I should have known my limits...Oh well another lesson learn....I always learn the hard way....

So what do I do now....I forgive myself and make peace with myself...Even though I did not make the decision people who did had the best intentions in heart I need to believe that today...tomorrow and forever.....and hopefully I wont regret this decisions as others have said that I will....Who know what future holds but I need to somehow start getting excited about it again and with Allah's help and mercy InshAllah I will.


Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Here am I

Here am I once again!!!!for the past few weeks I have been struggling/crying and was being an emotional wreck....I have always thought money mattered....more today than ever before.I have seen people becoming week only because they are poor.

I have doubt myself/my abilities. My belief was getting weak by the seconds but then I realised if anyone can help me out its my Allah...Allah answers when you ask him...he knows I am a sinner...I only ask for help when I am in trouble he knows my intentions and he knows my pain...and only he can help me out of this rut.

Allah Mian thanks for creating another way for me yet again Alhamdulillah You are my Allah...You are Al Rehman You are Al me and guide me and choose the things that are best for me...You know what I want and only you know what I want...If its good for me...make it happen...if its not...give me strength to be happy in your raza.

Ameen SumAmeen